A World full of Candles
I was trying to come up with an appropriate metaphor/simile/image the other day to express to kids about how some people tear others down to try and feel better about themselves. I was at a loss other than the old trite stuff all teachers and parents say. Then I happened to see a picture a child had drawn showing a Christmas candle. The image flew into my head fully grown.
Some people will stand in a room full of candles and enjoy the fact that there are all these pretty lights, and the room is brightly lit. They appreciate the other lights and can hold their candle higher if needed.
Others, though, have a different reaction. They feel that their own candle isn't special enough, so they begin to blow out the other candles, one by one. Pretty soon, yes, their candle seems very bright, because the room is dark and the corners lay in shadow. They are pleased with themselves that no one has a brighter candle than them, but they're now afraid of the dark, lonely room.
Use your candle to light the others and enjoy the glow.
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