The Prep v. The Go
Have you ever had one of those experiences where the preparations for it are as good as (or better than) the actual axperience? I think most of us have. Well that's where I am about now. We're in the middle of preparing for a great winter/Christmas vacation- two weeks in Finland at the end of the year. I'll bet we have a great time there. We'll be with marvelous friends doing delightful things. But... you know... I'm having a ball getting ready and anticipating! Being from East Texas, we don't really have much seriously cold weather, so we don't have cold-weather clothes. We're buying wool underwear and socks, snowproof shoes, and arctic circle type jackets. We're busily studying up on our Finnish phrases (Hyvaa huomenta, ya'll!) We're stocking up on the things our Finnish friends want us to bring from Texas. (Try getting a decent salsa picante in Scandinavia.) We're sending all our Christmas presents to family before we leave. So much to do! I love it!
Now of course I may have to eat my words, in fact I hope and expect to, after we get back having had the time of our lives. My family has never been to Europe, and I've never been there in the winter. We'll be cruising to Tallinn, visiting castles, skating on the lake (if it's cold enough), and sitting around the fire drinking gloggi. I fully expect to be severely jet lagged before I ever step onto the plane for home. I'll be taking gigabytes worth of pictures and writing pages of journal. A fun time to be had by all.
Most of all, and behind all the fun and preparation, is the anticipation of seeing dear friends again. Jaana has been a part of our extended family for 5 years. It'll be a real joy to see her again since she went back to Finland and to meet her family. And that's the best part of any holiday/vacation: being with those who mean the most to us. Peace, ya'll.