Excuses...excuses.. spare me
OK- so I've been horribly remiss in my postings. I could say I've been busy- true but not enough. I could say I've had more important things on my mind- true but not the cause. I could say I've been battling the nefarious schemes of those out to destroy my research- a complete lie but at least more creative.
Truth is, I've just been too lazy or preoccupied or boring. Not all at the same time, mind you, but true in various combinations. For the last couple of months, I've been involved with a production of "The Music Man" for a local theater (or theatre, if you prefer). I have a significant role on the stage, but most of my time has been spent as set designer and head of construction. We are halfway through our performance schedule, and it is a good show: Strong leads, excellent chorus. We're using a simple set, at the request of the director, which actually makes design harder since everything must have multiple uses. Anyone desperate for something to do can see pics of the show @ www.imagestation.com under the album name "Music Man 2006"