Man of La Mancha
Missed an entire show! Can you believe it? "Calamity Jane" went off very well with good audiences and lively ticket sales. A good time was had by all, and we got some of our best reviews in a long time. Of course, how could we miss with me having one number and a scene in a dance-hall girl's dress!? (I may look passable as a guy, but I make an ugly woman. Trust me.)
Moving on- My next show will be Man of la Mancha which I will direct. I'm a little anxious about casting for a summer show, but we'll see what happens. Hey, if you're in the Palestine, Texas area and are interested, auditions are May 19 at the Texas Theater downtown. Here's a link for the available parts: It'll be a very traditional staging since that's what our audience likes to see. Hey, somebody's got to buy the tickets. More on this as we progress.